
Payment Methods

At Host Hong Kong, we accept the following payment methods:

Credit Card

Host Hong Kong does not directly proccess or accept credit card payments. Payment with credit card is only possible through PayPal. Paypal supports all major cards, including Visa, MatserCard, Discover Card, American Express, Diners Club and JCB.

Bank Transfer/FPS

We can accept direct bank transfers to account in the United Kingdom, USA, Europe and Hong Kong. Our banking partner is HSBC. You can see our bank details (including sort code, account number and IBAN number on your invoice). International bank transfers may take several days to complete and at least 1 working day to check/verify payment. Any transfer fees should be included in the amount sent.
FPS payments are also accepted. FPS details are displayed on our invoices.

Cash/Cheque Deposit

Payments may be made via direct deposit at any ATM in Hong Kong.

Crypto Currency

Host Hong Kong uses BitPay to process crypto payments. However for unsupported (by BitPay) cryptos, manual payments direct to our wallet address is also possible. Host Hong Kong is able to accept any exchange traded crypto on BitFinex of values of US$100 or more.


We accept the following currencies: